Commercial Business Washroom Cleaning Supplier

TPS Washroom and Hygiene Supplies

TPS Washroom and Hygiene Supplies

Commercial Business Washroom Cleaning Supplier

Cleaning up the hassle and making it easy

We’ll provide you with a bespoke customised service to take care of all your washroom needs and can tailor range of options to suit. We’ll review and assess the site, plus the usage and the scale required to facilitate the best outcomes. And we’re highly responsive – we don’t just work to a schedule, we assess the situation on a daily or weekly basis to ensure that your expectations are always met.

A one-stop shop approach, so everything’s easy and seamless

We listened to the market and have consolidated things to remove the hassle often caused by having multiple suppliers. By partnering with many local NZ manufacturers, we’re able to offer our clients the best total solution, integrating what was usually delivered by numerous providers.

And our Washroom and Hygiene Supplies don’t cost the earth

Our suppliers create their products sustainably, harnessing renewable energy and resources in their creation. And we’re always exploring potentially better, more sustainable solutions wherever possible. Plus our recommendations – built upon reports and analysis we can provide – help reduce cost, and increase efficiency.

Call or contact us via our simple form to find out how we can take care of keeping on top of everything Washroom and Hygiene Supplies related.

Total Property Services Promise - Commercial Property Maintenance Services

Talk to us today for Washroom and Hygiene Supplies

Call us on 0800 868 251

Or get in touch by filling in the form below.

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How can we help?

Making sure Washrooms are always taken care of

Site and usage assessment

Always on approach – when there’s a need we’ll meet it

On-going reports and analysis to maximise cost-efficiency