Commercial Building Exterior Painting Services

TPS Painting

TPS Painting

Commercial Building Exterior Painting Services

Give any space or place a fresh new look

Our team of professional trade-certified painters can revitalise any surface type at any height. Our painting services include surface preparation, plastering, sanding, and gib stopping.

Interior, exterior, regenerating spruce ups, even new builds, TPS has it all covered

So whether your job calls for a complete repainting of your building exterior or touching up interior walls, TPS painters will take care of the entire painting process, paying careful attention to detail, every step of the way.

Call or contact us via our simple form to find out how we can take care of everything to do with commercial property painting requirements.

Total Property Services Promise - Commercial Property Maintenance Services

Talk to us today for Painting

Call us on 0800 868 251

Or get in touch by filling in the form below.

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How can we help?

Painting solutions that provide a professional, perfect finish every time

New and remedial painting

Airless spraying plus conventional brush and roller options

Magnetic and write-on paint

Specialised paint for graffiti control

Chemical washes

Lead-based paint testing

Environmentally-friendly paint disposal